FreeBSD Contributor

I have been using FreeBSD since 1999 starting with the 2.x series, which quickly went on to the 3.x series after realising I downloaded the wrong version.

  • In my time I have submited about 600+ bug reports
  • Helped many people fix, configure and diagnose there FreeBSD machine
  • Maintained and updated HP-Lip
  • Fixed a bug in sysctl by adding in a - number would casue a panic
  • maintained kvirc for various years

Reason for stopping the contributing

  • Politics, Politics
  • The stupid TOS
  • New comers
  • The people
  • FOSS is getting stupid
  • You have to be a robot to say anything
  • I miss the old days when you could actually just say RTFM

THis is the same reason I have stopped doing pretty much all contributing work on all projects, I was pretty envolved with BitchX but that was changed for the same reason politics


A Unix hobbiest website

A brief description of Hugo Shortcodes

By Hugo Authors, 2023-11-26